
·《吴冠中全集》 ·人民美术出版社 ·世纪可染---文献集
·傅抱石全集(6卷) ·紫禁城出版社 ·上海中国画院书法篆刻集
·首部高仿真版巨著:中国写实画派 ·吉林美术出版社 ·北京画院·上海中国画院50年
·世纪可染---作品集 ·广西美术出版社 ·《叶浅予中国画作品集》
艺术图书 >> 中国画 >> 熏沐春风---容绳祖画辑III >> Under the Blessing of the Spring Wind

Under the Blessing of the Spring Wind

出版社联系方式:其他 电话:

作者:Thomas Tang Waihung

Master Yang Shensum spent his whole life in his pursuit of the art of Chinese painting and calligraphy. He had not only studied the traditional Chinese painting technique and the skill of Lingnan School of painting started by Gao Jianfu, but also absorbed the Western theories of light, composition and sketching. Haster Yang consolidated others to form the style of his own.

Master Yang always encourages his followers to absorb whatever techniques that can enrich ones own painting. Mr. Yung Shingcho has definitely one of the many that followed the teaching.

Yung followed Master Yang for over thirty years. He has deep understanding of his master’s technique of painting landscape, flowers and birds, as well as animals. However, this does not obstruct him from forming his own style - his way of presenting the strength and spirit of the objects he paints. Creation and independence of mind are the real spirit of Lingnan School of painting.

I got acquaintance to Yung because of Master Yang. I once studied painting in Master Zhao Shaoang’s academy. My painting can hardly compare with my dear friend due to my laziness, yet I have the opportunity to meet many contemporary masters of painting. Through viewing their paintings as well as listening to their theories, I still can say that I have some understanding in contemporary Chinese art. Yung always let me view his work and I do sometimes make my comment frankly, although sometimes might make my friend unhappy; however it is what friends are for.

For this publication of Yung’s work, I have a chance to make a preview. From the diversified topics he painted, I do believe that he is actually building his own style upon the foundation laid down by Master Yang. After viewing these works, I do regret my laziness and definitely I am not a good student of Master Zhao.

Saying all these, I do believe that anyone can see the achievement of Yung through works in this publication and it is not necessary for me to comment anymore.



【About Yung Shingcho and His Teacher】
【Under the Blessing of the Spring Wind】
·Under the Blessing of the Spring Wind

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